
Cyber Fusion Centers and the Power of Actionable Threat Intel

<h2>Explore How a Lack of Automation Is Holding Enterprises Back </h2> <p>Many of today’s organizations understand the value of threat intelligence but are running into challenges when leveraging it. Anomali&#39;s Mark Alba shares ideas on how to change that.</p> <p>A lack of automation and actionable threat intelligence may be preventing enterprises from developing the fully functional Cyber Fusion Centers they envision. Manual threat intelligence operations pose serious business risks, such as missing high-priority threat alerts while sorting through the noise. </p> <p>Download this ebook to learn about:</p> <ul> <li>The state of threat intelligence in many enterprises</li> <li>How the lack of automation hinders anti-fraud efforts</li> <li>Business benefits to be realized through automation</li> </ul> <p>Get the eBook to understand the importance of automated intelligence and simple ways you can get started. </p>