White Paper

2019 Ponemon Report: The Value of Threat Intelligence from Anomali

<h2 class="text-lg">The Ponemon Institute Surveyed Over 1,000 Security Professionals In the United States and the United Kingdom</h2><p class="text-lg">The survey covered a range of threat intelligence topics, participants included in the survey utilize threat intelligence as part of their cybersecurity programs.</p><p class="text-lg">Results show that participants strongly believe in the importance and value of threat intelligence data but are struggling to maximize its effectiveness in detecting cyber threats. They call the lack of progress in improving threat intelligence effectiveness the threat intelligence gap.</p><p class="text-lg">The purpose of this research is to examine trends and benefits of threat intelligence and the challenges companies are facing when closing the effectiveness gap and integrating threat intelligence with existing security platforms and technologies.</p><div class="feature-box fbox-plain bottommargin-sm"><div class="fbox-icon"><i>85<span style="font-size: 28px;">%</span></i></div><h3 style="padding:0px 10px;">say threat intelligence is essential to a strong security posture</h3></div><div class="feature-box fbox-plain bottommargin-sm"><div class="fbox-icon"><i>82<span style="font-size: 28px;">%</span></i></div><h3 style="padding:0px 10px;">recognize the importance of having a detailed profile of their adversaries</h3></div><div class="feature-box fbox-plain bottommargin"><div class="fbox-icon"><i>42<span style="font-size: 28px;">%</span></i></div><h3 style="padding:0px 10px;">say they are effective at detecting external threats (the threat intelligence gap)</h3></div><p class="text-lg">Get detailed statistics on the effectiveness gap, eight best practices from top-performing cyber threat intelligence organizations, and comprehensive statistics from this year’s report. </p><p class="text-lg"><strong>Download the report!</strong></p>