
Cyber Threat Intelligence Programs: What’s Needed to Keep Up? | ESG Research & Anomali eBook

<h2>How Can You Advance the Maturity of Your CTI Program?</h2> <p>The threat landscape is continuously evolving, but is the industry advancing along with it? Are threat actors one step ahead, or have defenders leveled the playing field? ESG Research looked into how cybersecurity professionals approach today&#39;s threats. </p> <p>Download the research to learn the current state of cyber threat intelligence programs and how tactical they continue to be. </p> <p><strong>You&#39;ll also learn more about:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Which stakeholders are using threat intelligence, and for what purposes</li> <li>CTI program challenges and strategic plans</li> <li>The behavior and use cases of mature CTI programs</li> </ul> <p><strong>Key findings dive into areas that include:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Why Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) programs are pervasive</li> <li>How CTI programs remain tactical</li> <li>How Digital risk protection (DRP) is becoming an essential part of CTI programs</li> <li>Why the MITRE ATT&CK Framework is mainstream, and a CTI program driver</li> <li>Do CTI programs require managed services</li> <li>Planned CTI investments </li> </ul> <h4>Where does your CTI program stand? Check out the eBook to learn more. </h4>