
Multiple Chinese Threat Groups Exploiting CVE-2018-0798 Equation Editor Vulnerability Since Late 2018

While tracking the “Royal Road” Rich Text Format (RTF) weaponizer, Anomali found multiple Chinese threat groups updated their weaponizer to a new exploit.

Anomali Threat Research
July 3, 2019
Table of contents
<p>During Anomali Threat Researcher’s tracking of the “Royal Road” Rich Text Format (RTF) weaponizer, commonly used by multiple Chinese threat actors to exploit CVE-2017-11882 and CVE-2018-0802, it was discovered that multiple Chinese threat groups updated their weaponizer to exploit the Microsoft Equation Editor (EE) vulnerability CVE-2018-0798 late 2018. We believe the groups moved to use CVE-2018-0798 instead of the other Microsoft Equation Editor Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities because the former is more reliable as it works on all known versions of Equation Editor.</p><p>The analyzed RTF files share the same object dimension (objw2180objh300) used to track the RTF weaponizer in <a href="">our previous report</a>, however, the sample was not exploiting CVE-2017-11882 or CVE-2018-0802. After further analysis, it was discovered that the RTF files were exploiting the CVE-2018-0798 vulnerability in Microsoft’s Equation Editor (EQNEDT32). CVE-2018-0798 does not appear to be a commonly exploited In The Wild (ITW) even though it is more reliable compared to other well-known EE RCE counterparts,this is mainly because C|VE2018-0798 works with all EE versions while the counterparts are limited to specific versions. CVE-2017-11882 is only exploitable on an unpatched version prior to its fix, and CVE-2018-0802 is only exploitable on the version released to fix CVE-2017-11882. In contrast, a threat actor utilizing CVE-2018-0798 has a higher chance of success because it is not limited by version.</p><p>Anomali Researchers were able to identify multiple samples of malicious RTF documents ITW using the same exploit for CVE-2018-0798. Some of the analyzed samples have a creation date of November 19, 2017 (five days after a patch was released for CVE-2017-11882), however, that date appears to be incorrect because the dropped payloads had a recent compilation timestamps in 2019. The earliest use of the exploit ITW we were able to identify and confirm is a sample (e228045ef57fb8cc1226b62ada7eee9b) dating back to October 2018 (VirusTotal submission of 2018-10-29) with the RTF creation time 2018-10-23.</p><p>Multiple samples analyzed by Anomali researchers that we associate with CVE-2018-0798 were also mentioned in previous instances by other researchers in the security community. We believe that some of these were misattributed to CVE-2017-11882 or CVE-2018-0802 when they actually appear to be CVE-2018-0798.</p><h2>Vulnerability and Exploit Analysis</h2><p>CVE-2018-0798 is an RCE vulnerability, a stack buffer overflow that can be exploited by a threat actor to perform stack corruption. The vulnerable subroutine is located at the relative virtual address 0x43f6c (sub_443f6c), shown in Figure 1 below. This routine is called by EQNEDT32 when parsing <a href="" target="_blank">Matrix type records</a>. To note, CVE-2017-11882 and CVE-2018-0802 are vulnerabilities that take place when parsing Font type records. Part of the Matrix record object is copied to a stack buffer without proper bound checks. This allows the threat actor to overflow the stack buffer, change the stored return address, and take control of the instruction pointer. Due to the age of this binary, it was compiled and linked in the early 2000s, it does not use any modern protections against stack overflows that would have made exploitation much harder.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="The vulnerable function before the exploit." src=""/><br/> Figure 1 - The vulnerable function before the exploit. The saved return address marked in red is manipulated. Instruction at 0x1283faa copies a byte from the equation object to a stack buffer and return from the call.</em></p><p>The write primitive is used to fill the stack with padding 0x60s and 0x61s until the location of the stored return address on the stack. The lower two bytes of the stored return address are changed to 0x0bfb, as depicted in Figure 2. Changing those bytes allows hijackig the control flow when the return address is popped off the stack and into the instruction pointer (EIP). The instruction pointer is then redirected to the return instruction of a function to pop the next value off the stack, located at 0x20ed94 in Figure 2, and into the EIP. This forces the original function argument to be taken as a return address. The argument points to the heap where the equation object has been stored.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="The vulnerable function after stack corruption showing calling function return address last two bytes overwritten with x0bfb." src=""/><br/> Figure 2 - The vulnerable function after stack corruption showing calling function return address last two bytes overwritten with x0bfb.</em></p><p>EIP lands on a Null sled until it reaches to the shellcode shown below. The shellcode pops the next value on the stack using this value the location of the final shellcode is computed.</p><pre> debug017:0051C24D pop eax debug017:0051C24E jmp short loc_51C256 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- debug017:0051C256 add eax, offset byte_1BD3C debug017:0051C25B mov eax, [eax] debug017:0051C25D mov eax, [eax+14h] debug017:0051C260 add eax, 6Dh debug017:0051C263 jmp eax</pre><p>The final shellcode in sample (264cee1c1854698ef0eb3a141912db40) is shown below. It resolves the address of WinExec and executes the PowerShell command: <strong>powershell.exe Copy-Item "c: argetFlag.dat" -Destination "C:pwn”</strong></p><pre> debug017:0052320D jmp short sub_523276 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- debug017:00523276 push 'Acor' debug017:0052327B push 'PteG' debug017:00523280 call Sub_getprocaddr debug017:00523285 push eax debug017:00523286 push 'cex' debug017:0052328B push 'EniW' debug017:00523290 call Sub_getprocaddr debug017:00523295 push 0 debug017:00523297 xor edx, edx debug017:00523299 push offset unk_226E77 debug017:0052329E push 'p:C' debug017:005232A3 push '" no' debug017:005232A8 push 'itan' debug017:005232AD push 'itse' debug017:005232B2 push 'D- "' debug017:005232B7 push 'tad.' debug017:005232BC push 'galF' debug017:005232C1 push ' eg' debug017:005232C6 push 'rat' debug017:005232CB push ':c" ' debug017:005232D0 push 'metI' debug017:005232D5 push '-ypo' debug017:005232DA push 'C ex' debug017:005232DF push 'e.ll' debug017:005232E4 push 'ehsr' debug017:005232E9 push 'ewop' debug017:005232EE mov ecx, esp debug017:005232F0 push edx debug017:005232F1 push ecx debug017:005232F2 call eax “winexec” debug017:005232F4 pop edi debug017:005232F5 pop esi debug017:005232F6 pop ebx debug017:005232F7 add esp, 40h debug017:005232FA cmp ebp, esp debug017:005232FC call near ptr unk_5233D5 debug017:00523301 mov esp, ebp debug017:00523303 pop ebp debug017:00523304 retn </pre><p>As previously mentioned this exploit works on all known versions of Microsoft Equation Editor.</p><pre> rule RTF_Equation_Editor_CVE_2018_0798 { Meta: author = "Anomali" tlp = "GREEN" version = "1.0" date = "2019-05-10" hash = "264cee1c1854698ef0eb3a141912db40" description = "Detects Malicious RTFs exploiting CVE-2018-0798" strings: $S1= "4460606060606060606061616161616161616161616161616161fb0b" $RTF= "{\rt" condition: $RTF at 0 and $S1 } </pre><p style="text-align: center;"><em>Figure 3 -Yara rule to detect Malicious RTF exploiting CVE-2018-0798</em></p><h2>Threat Actors and Exploit Usage</h2><p>Most of the collected Samples were attributed to the following Chinese Cyber Espionage threat actor:</p><ul><li>Conimes</li><li>KeyBoy</li><li>Emissary Panda</li><li>Rancor</li><li>Temp.Trident</li></ul><p>However,Beginning on 25 June 2019, we started observing multiple commodity campaigns (Mostly dropping AsyncRAT) using the updated RTF weaponizer with the same exploit (CVE-2018-0798). As observed previously with CVE-2017-11882 and CVE-2018-0802, the weaponizer was used exclusively by Chinese cyber espionage actors for approximately one year (December 2017 through December 2018), after which cybercrime actors began to incorporate it in their malicious activity. This indicates that the weaponizer author is now selling to a wider group of actors.</p><p>Examples of social engineering lures and malicious document content used with CVE-2018-0798 in cyberespionage attacks are shown in Table 1.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><em>Table 1 - Documents exploiting CVE-2018-0798</em></p><table class="table table-striped"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><span style="font-weight: 400; text-align: start;">MD5</span></th><th scope="col"><span style="font-weight: 400; text-align: start;">Lure Topic</span></th><th scope="col"><span style="font-weight: 400; text-align: start;">File Name</span></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>019debaee6fdf9a9f872277563f0d9ee</td><td>A Mongolian language-lure themed around government policy.</td><td>APP.doc</td></tr><tr><td>21d0f19abd15d65aa755e89e55157ae7</td><td>Labeled “Ministry of Defence” for Mongolia. Themed around Russian President Vladimir Putin making a statement on United States’ missiles.</td><td>File name is unavailable</td></tr><tr><td>2ef069d0e3bb636d2d969d3e6a4d5039</td><td>Pertains to be a report from the Mongolian Embassy in Japan regarding news about North Korea.</td><td>ТM 30.17.doc</td></tr><tr><td>853136f00e87a1ab3e2fc3acb309573e</td><td>A Mongolian-language lure that contains a table with apparent details of people including email, name, and phone number.</td><td>Цэргийн багийн 8 ээлж ашиглагдах утасны дугаарын жагсаалт.doc<br/> (List of telephone numbers to be used in the 8th Military Team.doc)</td></tr><tr><td>ac0eac22ce12eac9ee15ca03646ed70c</td><td>Contains an image with Russian text titled about “Commonwealth of Independent States Anti-terrorist Centre”.</td><td>doc.rtf</td></tr><tr><td>6930bd66a11e30dee1ef4f57287b1318</td><td>Titled “Social Security Reform Note”. Discusses demographics and social security reform in Brazil.</td><td>Sosyal Güvenlik Reformu-Not-3.doc</td></tr><tr><td>8f1ab1f96b8322c9e02d87a431a98823</td><td>Titled “Foreign Office of Vietnam”. Guidance on granting, extending, modifying and supplementing diplomatic passports, official passports and diplomatic note for visa application.</td><td>02_2019_TT-BNG.doc</td></tr><tr><td>b3f8abe274cb6a5926bd5c3fc2168997</td><td>In the Vietnamese language that appears to talk about the health of former Member of the Central Party Committee VIII, IX Nguyen Phuc Thanh.</td><td>Giay moi hoi nghi.doc</td></tr><tr><td>f0424ed16b435f0c7c802f3a17cbd9de</td><td>In the Vietnamese language that contains instructions for employees before taking a blood test.</td><td>PV Báo Quốc Phòng xin phỏng vấn anh.doc</td></tr><tr><td>7b9d386280da1b840f1b32b85ce74278</td><td>Lure in the Russian language that is a letter to rector of Russian university.</td><td>Unavailable</td></tr><tr><td>0764ecc46463fb10952d54515c73e6fc</td><td>Mongolian lure on topic of training and the United Nations.</td><td>uuganaa-test.doc</td></tr><tr><td>d648c374439cf5fe9df8dc59eb472067</td><td>Vietnamese lure themed on the current Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc</td><td>TB -VPCP.doc</td></tr><tr><td>a94db3001c0c3fa3cf40bc7fdf9d21b7</td><td>Mongolian lure on topic of the Mongolian prime minister visiting Japan.</td><td>Medee Bolor 20181217.doc</td></tr><tr><td>6614a8776692c982ad766d23b2a5ea29</td><td>Russian lure linking to Russian news about NATO troops leaving Afghanistan.</td><td>Program on applied security studies.rtf</td></tr><tr><td>84fca27bc75f40194c95534b07838d6c</td><td>Vietnamese Police-themed lure.</td><td>QĐ Tổng cục.doc</td></tr></tbody></table><h3>Sample Documents:</h3><p><strong>fc47442f175ff7e312a4aa4f5c8745b8</strong></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="Lure in Vietnamese with many images. Red stamp states the Ministry of Defence of Vietnam." src=""/><br/> Figure 4: Lure in Vietnamese with many images. Red stamp states the Ministry of Defence of Vietnam.</em></p><p><strong>40cfeb699d239652dd4a79c18b1c7366</strong></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="Lure in Lao language." src=""/><br/> Figure 5: Lure in Lao language.</em></p><p><strong>1690766e844034b3c2ab4f853bd59df7</strong></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="Lure in Russian. Copied from the Russian Wikipedia page for Park Won-soon, mayor of Seoul." src=""/><br/> Figure 6: Lure in Russian. Copied from the Russian Wikipedia page for Park Won-soon, mayor of Seoul.</em></p><h2>Exploitation Methods and payload Analysis:</h2><p>Anomali Threat Researchers identified multiple exploitation techniques using CVE-2018-0798 to drop malicious payloads. Some of the observed techniques identified being used to exploit the vulnerability are as follows:</p><h3>OLE package objects and DLL Sideloading</h3><p><strong>Sample MD5:</strong> fc47442f175ff7e312a4aa4f5c8745b8 (Goblin Panda)</p><p>The malicious RTF document contains OLE Package objects. On execution (user opening the attachment) the document drops OLE package as “8.t” in the %TEMP% directory. The 8.t file is a dropper and it is encrypted using XOR cipher with encryption key “0xFC”. Upon decrypting and executing, it drops two additional files “wsc_proxy.exe” (legitimate Avast executable) and a malicious DLL “wsc.dll” in the %TEMP% folder. The dropper then creates a scheduled task to run the executable “wsc_proxy.exe” for every five minutes as a persistence mechanism.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="Payloads dropped at %tmp% after the execution of dropper (8.t)" src=""/><br/> Figure 7: Payloads dropped at %tmp% after the execution of dropper (8.t)</em></p><p>Schedule task command:<br/> “schtasks /create /sc MINUTE /tn "Avast Antivirus" /tr<br/> "C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalTempwsc_proxy.exe" /mo 5 /f”</p><p>The benign executable “wsc_proxy.exe” gets executed by the scheduled task "Avast Antivirus," and using DLL sideloading the malicious payload “wsc.dll” gets started. The malware attempts to communicate via HTTP to the C2 at vvcxvsdvx.dynamic-dns[.]net over port 2113/TCP.</p><p>Payload MD5: 9AD1DBA92734A53489180788A6B21856<br/> C2: vvcxvsdvx.dynamic-dns[.]net<br/> IP: 185.216.35[.]11 (known Goblin panda C&amp;C)<br/> URL: vvcxvsdvx.dynamic-dns[.]net/image/logo.png<br/> OLE package objects and VBScript Execution</p><p><strong>Sample MD5:</strong> b3f8abe274cb6a5926bd5c3fc2168997 (Rancor Group)</p><p>The malicious RTF drops embedded OLE package to “8.t” into the %TEMP% directory after the malicious document is opened. The file 8.t is a malicious executable dropper and encrypted via XOR cipher using the key “0xFC”. On execution it drops two files “ChromeApp.ps1” and “ChromeApp.vbs” in the directory “C:Windows racing”. It then creates a scheduled task named “ChromeApp” to execute the Visual Basic Script (VBScript). The VBScript calls the PowerShell script and it beacons out to C2 “185.234.73[.]4” using HTTP to send the victim User ID and receiving further instructions to execute.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="Scheduled task creation to start the malicious payload" src=""/><br/> Figure 8: Scheduled task creation to start the malicious payload</em></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="Malicious payloads dropped after the execution of dropper (8.t)" src=""/><br/> Figure 9: Malicious payloads dropped after the execution of dropper (8.t)</em></p><p>C2 IP:<br/> URL: : http:185.234.73[.]4/CApp.php?name=NzI4QTRENTYtMEY0Ny0yQzY3LTY3QzEtQjg0MzNBOUU1Rjgw:VUk=</p><h3>Dropping ‘.wll’ file in Microsoft Word ‘startup’ folder</h3><p><strong>Sample MD5:</strong> 019debaee6fdf9a9f872277563f0d9ee</p><p>The RTF document drops embedded OLE package as “8.t” in the %TEMP% directory whe the file is opened. The shellcode decrypt “8.t” and save it as “%APPDATA%MicrosoftWordSTARTUPcclerr.wll”. The next time user opens Microsoft Word, the dropped file “cclerr.wll” will be loaded and executed in Word’s process memory.</p><p>During the next run of Microsoft Word, the below activities were observed,</p><ol><li>The cclerr.wll gets copied into “C:Program Files (x86)IntelIntel(R) Processor Graphics” as “RasTls.dll”</li><li>The legitimate executable IntelGraphicsController.exe is used to load the malicious “RasTls.dll” via DLL search-order hijacking technique.</li><li>The below list of commands are executed by word.exe (hijacked process)<br/> <img alt="command executions by rogue word.exe process" src=""/><br/> <em>Figure 10: command executions by rogue word.exe process</em></li><li>Sets the registry key for persistence at HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunIntelGraphicsController<br/> <em><img alt="Windows Autorun key set for persistence" src=""/><br/> Figure 11: Windows Autorun key set for persistence.</em></li><li><em>Drops two batch files in the %TEMP% folder named as UnIB490.bat &amp; UnIB4A0.bat</em></li><li><em>The batch files are used to clean up the word document and “.wll” file.</em><br/> <em><img alt="Batch script for clearing traces of malicious activities" src=""/><br/> Figure 12: Batch script for clearing traces of malicious activities.</em></li></ol><p>Payload MD5: B72448AF5F58E70C225AB6525126CF8B<br/> C2: 217.69.8[.]255</p><p><strong>Sample MD5:</strong> 6930bd66a11e30dee1ef4f57287b1318 (Emissary Panda)</p><p>On opening the RTF document drops embedded OLE package as “s.bin” in the %TEMP% directory. The equation editor loads the bin file directly into its memory space as code and jumps to it. The code in “s.bin” file extracts and load a DLL. It then creates a directory “C:Program Files (x86)pcawhere” and writes a file named “config.ini” with a unique identifier for the victim. After successful execution of malicious code, it tries to send the unique identifier of the victim machine to the C2 via POST request over HTTPS.</p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="C2 network communication with victim GUID" src=""/><br/> Figure 13: C2 network communication with victim GUID</em></p><p>The OLE object had an interesting source path “C:\Users\Iran\Desktop\s.bin”</p><p style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="OLE object shows the originating user name as ‘Iran’" src=""/><br/> Figure 14: OLE object shows the originating user name as ‘Iran’.</em></p><p>C2:<br/> URL:</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Analysis of the Royal Road weaponizer has resulted in the discovery that multiple Chinese threat groups started utilizing CVE-2018-0798 in their RTF weaponizer. This finding confirms that the groups, as mentioned in our previous report, are sharing the same exploit supply chain. The groups appear to have been using the Microsoft vulnerability exploit exclusively for approximately six months before it began appearing in commodity-malware campaigns. This may indicate that the Chinese groups sold the exploit after using it in their malicious campaigns.</p><p>These findings also suggest that the threat groups have robust exploit developing capabilities because CVE-2018-0798 is not widely reported on and it is typically not incorporated into publicly available weaponizers.</p><p>Threatstream enterprise users can <a href="" target="_blank">read a more detailed analysis here</a>.</p><h3>IOCs</h3><p><strong>File Hashes (MD5):</strong><br/> e228045ef57fb8cc1226b62ada7eee9b<br/> 019debaee6fdf9a9f872277563f0d9ee<br/> 0764ecc46463fb10952d54515c73e6fc<br/> 0827f48e883f5a59f1c4bf70c98dc42a<br/> 0e8d3ae263fae7775ccc744a5c0c4dc1<br/> 10348b56b0e3466f9f9fa62bda081c98<br/> 109d51899c832287d7ce1f70b5bd885d<br/> 1690766e844034b3c2ab4f853bd59df7<br/> 21d0f19abd15d65aa755e89e55157ae7<br/> 264cee1c1854698ef0eb3a141912db40<br/> 2868447eebdf897bdd6b7ce2a18f4609<br/> 29027a6d2a38a9a954c1e1315439baf9<br/> 2ef069d0e3bb636d2d969d3e6a4d5039<br/> 31283ad09bc7cf618c32a1c893163891<br/> 36796fabb76eb946d211a2fcf5820929<br/> 40cfeb699d239652dd4a79c18b1c7366<br/> 4642e8712c8ada8d56bd36416abb4808<br/> 47353a86ea58df3714870e5755056d97<br/> 4eb14eb23d50b4c7ee768038172f9794<br/> 51c35cb62a0ad294979b0645e5aa4376<br/> 5271a5ddf476af87c6f833638375c72f<br/> 595e30b0c794f47fd768b24ae9caf210<br/> 5982ba16356ee8118e4cdbe54d182b11<br/> 600e14e4b0035c6f0c6a344d87b6c27f<br/> 6614a8776692c982ad766d23b2a5ea29<br/> 67682e25939dce4406f55b6c0c741c0e<br/> 6930bd66a11e30dee1ef4f57287b1318<br/> 6bdc73a2fc8506d9e842fc7b7a4123db<br/> 6d2e6a61eede06fa9d633ce151208831<br/> 7b9d386280da1b840f1b32b85ce74278<br/> 827c7048c269645ce36546c01c01f93f<br/> 8408641cfbcdb53e1e6802f07ea32f11<br/> 84fca27bc75f40194c95534b07838d6c<br/> 853136f00e87a1ab3e2fc3acb309573e<br/> 8621ff472360600ec2a6f7d61a66eeb8<br/> 8f1ab1f96b8322c9e02d87a431a98823<br/> 923d60f3e63c95021f9e99f943fcfbbc<br/> a02712c6cefb532e7928a781fe8d8592<br/> a37df9b230c9d05210613b3c2916328f<br/> a497426d0f65877947e92a14b8a086af<br/> a5a4046989fa0f99c2076aec3ea0ab2a<br/> a94db3001c0c3fa3cf40bc7fdf9d21b7<br/> a99efd6b4b69c55774a16ae157cd20b9<br/> ac0eac22ce12eac9ee15ca03646ed70c<br/> af7f59b2b197d454ab8c8a7b0bc371a2<br/> b2bce665c9bcdf0d3d04dc7ce5e30f79<br/> b3f8abe274cb6a5926bd5c3fc2168997<br/> b72448af5f58e70c225ab6525126cf8b<br/> b82e0ac46f6b812c83a3954038814cce<br/> bb7aba40c6fc76291fd1cf2c4c558e9f<br/> bcbea5b25356d768fd826e0376268ff5<br/> c65b73dde66184bae6ead97afd1b4c4b<br/> d648c374439cf5fe9df8dc59eb472067<br/> e004daf8e09b56940d6ca6e51974498b<br/> e137b95f6149a8639f6d18e286a0a55f<br/> f0424ed16b435f0c7c802f3a17cbd9de<br/> f1824bd902251314a4fd5506caced48b<br/> f1dcf1b2376360c9f0c23f1fb9f4355a<br/> f333194c19730d6f82ab858210327051<br/> f34514118eb4689560cd6c0c654f26d9<br/> fc47442f175ff7e312a4aa4f5c8745b8</p><p><strong>Network IOCs:</strong><br/> 185.234.73[.]4<br/> 138.68.133[.]211<br/> Vvcxvsdvx.dynamic-dns[.]net<br/> loge.otzo[.]com</p>
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