White Paper

Dark Reading-Online Malware and Threats: A Profile of Today’s Security Posture

<h2>Cyberattacks are Becoming More Numerous and More Sophisticated Every Day</h2><p>Dark Reading’s 2018 Malware Threat Survey reflects a high level of concern over all of these attacks, and particularly those launched by phishing and social engineering. <strong>67% of enterprises</strong> believe that threat intelligence services and feeds can help their organizations better defend against threats.</p><p>The results show that while many organizations expect phishing to persist as a major threat over the next two years, they also perceive ransomware and cloud security as central threats for the near future. And developing a response to these growing threats isn’t easy — many organizations are bogged down by other security tasks, such as risk assessment, response prioritization, and patching.</p><p><strong>How are enterprises keeping up? Get the report.</strong></p>