Anomali Partner Directory
Explore our network of channel and technology alliance partners below.
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Meta ThreatExchange
Marketplace Partner
Most threat intelligence solutions suffer because the data is too hard to standardize and verify. Meta created the ThreatExchange platform so that participating organizations can share threat data using a convenient, structured, and easy-to-use API that provides privacy controls to enable sharing with only desired groups.
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Marketplace Partner
IPQualityScore (IPQS) provides Anomali ThreatStream users with enterprise-grade detection for sophisticated abuse. Security analysts can easily increase awareness for high risk behavior by analyzing an IP address, domain, or email address. IPQS uses a unique data set, gathered by our proprietary honeypot network that captures advanced abuse such as residential botnets, phishing, hijacked domains, and any IOC that's been associated with abusive behavior across our partner reporting network, which analyzes over 10,000 abuse reports per second.
Threat Analysis Tools & Enrichments
Marketplace Partner
Since 2004, Mandiant® has been a trusted partner to security-conscious organizations. Effective security is based on the right combination of expertise, intelligence, and adaptive technology, and the Mandiant Advantage SaaS platform scales decades of frontline experience and industry-leading threat intelligence to deliver a range of dynamic cyber defense solutions. Mandiant’s approach helps organizations develop more effective and efficient cyber security programs and instills confidence in their readiness to defend against and respond to cyber threats.
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Microsoft Azure Sentinel
Marketplace Partner
Microsoft Azure Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information event management (SIEM) and security orchestration automated response (SOAR) solution. Azure Sentinel allows Security Operation Center (SOC) analysts to detect actionable threats in their security posture and take actions on them. Azure Sentinel integrates with Anomali to offer first class threat intelligence in the product. You can import threat intelligence from Anomali LIMO servers using the Azure Sentinel TAXII data connector and also from Anomali ThreatStream using the Threat Intelligence Platforms data connector. Once the threat intelligence from Anomali is brought into Azure Sentinel, it can be used for threat analysis, detection, investigation and hunting.
Security System Partners
SIEM Integrations
Marketplace Partner
Proofpoint is a next-generation cybersecurity company protecting people, data, and brands from advanced threats and compliance risks based on its global intelligence platform that spans email, social and mobile. Proofpoint Emerging Threats (ET) intelligence for IPs and malicious domains and its Targeted Attack Protection intelligence feed for advanced email threats are available in the ThreatStream APP Store and are based on behavior observed directly by Proofpoint ET Labs.
Threat Intelligence Feeds
Marketplace Partner
GreyNoise's integration with Anomali ThreatStream helps security analysts save time by revealing which events they can ignore. GreyNoise's data is a curation of IPs that saturate security tools with noise, like mass-internet scanners and harmless business services. This unique perspective helps analysts confidently ignore irrelevant or harmless activity, creating more time to uncover and investigate true threats.
Threat Analysis Tools & Enrichments
Broadcom ProxySG
Marketplace Partner
Symantec delivers high-performance on-premises secure web gateway appliances that protect organizations across the web, social media, applications, and mobile networks. Combine with cloud-delivered Web Security Service for a centrally-managed, hybrid secure web solution.
Security System Partners
Firewalls and Network Security Integrations
Security System Partners
Firewalls and Network Security Integrations
Security System Partners
Firewalls and Network Security Integrations
Marketplace Partner
In these rapidly changing times, you shouldn’t have to worry about your security program. Rapid7 is here to help you reduce risk across your entire connected environment so your company can focus on what matters most. Whether you need to easily manage vulnerabilities, monitor for malicious behavior, investigate and shut down attacks, or automate your operations — we have solutions and guidance for you.
Security System Partners
SOAR Integrations
Security System Partners
SOAR Integrations