White Paper

2022 SANS Security Operations Center Survey Results

<h2>A Capabilities-Based Approach to Analyzing the Current SOC Landscape</h2> <p>This year’s SANS SOC Survey explores the ongoing development and progress of the Security Operations Center (SOC). Specifically in regards to what respondents consider SOC capabilities and the staff, technology, deployment strategies, and funding required to secure and operate a SOC. SANS took a capabilities-based approach to determine the current SOC landscape and provides a valuable call to action list at the end of the paper. </p> <p>Key topics covered include:</p> <ul> <li>Factors for SOC Success</li> <li>Staffing: Meeting the Key Challenges</li> <li>Capabilities: Does Your Team Count as a SOC?</li> <li>Technology: What Is Getting a Passing Grade?</li> <li>Measuring for Success</li> </ul> <p><strong>Download the report to compare your SOC capabilities with those of your peers. </strong></p>
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