
Mighty Guides: 7 Experts on Enhancing Your Security Defenses by Focusing on Your Adversaries

<p><em>The Need to Focus on the Adversary</em></p> <!-- START: Parmonic embed for video --> <div class="parmonic-widget" data-layout="single" data-v-id="ad/3b93287c514d4530"> </div> <script defer src="https://awjs.blob.core.windows.net/awjs/v5/aw-single.js"></script><script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { setupParmonicWidget(); }); </script><!-- END: Parmonic embed for video --> <p> </p> <p>In today’s world, hacking is a multi-billion-dollar business. Gone is the traditional stereotype of the lone hacker in a hoodie, working solo. </p> <p>While cyber threats are universal, and it’s essential to know who and what is out there, certain threats and threat actors target specific industries and verticals. </p> <p>In this ebook, you’ll learn from CISOs and other experts why understanding who your enemy is will help effectively defend your organization. Gain insights into how focusing on the attacker can change the paradigm, enabling organizations to shift from reactive response to proactive defense.</p> <p>Download this eBook to learn how and why it’s essential to know your adversary.</p>