
Detect LIVE Feb 21 – Panel Discussion: What the Sunburst Attack Means for Your Security Strategy–And the Security Industry

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<h2>Attribution Makes Headlines, But Analysis Will Save Your Company</h2> <p>The Sunburst malware attack was discovered in early December by FireEye researchers and is already considered one of the most evasive, sophisticated, and significant cyberattacks in history. Understanding the scope of the compromise and damage from the breaches will require time, as new attack vectors, tactics, and techniques continue to be discovered.</p> <p>In this threat intelligence session, leading experts will discuss: </p> <ul> <li>The significance of the Sunburst Attack in historical context</li> <li>What the attack means for companies’ security strategy</li> <li>What implications there are for the security industry going forward</li> </ul> <p>The Panelists:<br /> Liviu Arsene, Global Cybersecurity Researcher, Bitdefender<br /> André Correa, CEO & Founder, Malware Patrol<br /> Tomislav Peričin, Chief Software Architect & Co-founder, ReversingLabs<br /> AJ Nash, Sr. Director of Cyber Intelligence Strategy, Anomali</p> <h4>Watch the panel to get this expert take on the Sunburst attack and how to navigate it, now that we know this type of attack exists.</h4>