
Detect LIVE Nov 21 – Intelligence-Driven Security in an Ever-Changing Landscape | CLEAR

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<h2>Threat Intelligence Should Drive Everything We Do in Cyber Security</h2> <p>Establishing our internal stakeholders and the consumers of our threat intelligence product breaks down those performance-limiting silos helping to develop a more informed, risk-based program.</p> <p>While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, fundamental principles exist that can be applied across a multitude of verticals and easily adapted to your specific enterprise.</p> <p>Listen as Lance Taylor, Team Lead, Cyber Threat Intelligence at CLEAR covers some of the different areas where threat intelligence can be valuable to your security team and drive a more risk-focused, secure environment.</p> <p>Key topics include:</p> <ol> <li>Stakeholder Engagement</li> <li>Threat Intelligence Use Cases</li> <li>Reducing the Attack Surface</li> <li>Driving Organizational Change</li> <li>Maximizing Threat Intelligence Value</li> </ol> <p><strong>Watch to help your organization shift to a threat-intel security-focused mindset</strong>!</p>