
Detect LIVE – Attack Flow: Laying the Foundation for Predictive Intelligence | March 2023

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<h2>Identify and Block Threats, Including Those that Haven’t Been Detected Yet</h2> <p>As a community, we can realize the dream of predictive intel. Learning from past incidents enables us to accelerate threat hunting. Using events correlated to MITRE ATT&CK® helps intel teams with attribution. </p> <p>We have created the puzzle pieces through the Center for Threat-Informed Defense’s R&D program. Now it’s time to assemble them as a community and truly enable predictive intelligence.</p> <p>In this session, Jon Baker, Co-Founder and Director at MITRE Engenuity Center for Threat-Informed Defense, covers:</p> <ul> <li>What is a threat-informed defense</li> <li>Sightings Ecosystem Project and Report </li> <li>Top ATT&CK Techniques Project</li> <li>Attack Flow Data Model</li> </ul> <p><strong>Knowing the attacker is essential, but understanding how to prevent a breach is vital to a robust cyber defense. </strong> </p>
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