
What’s the Point of Threat Intelligence Without Threat Detection?

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<h2>Learn Why It’s Important to Take Threat Intelligence to the Next Level with Advanced Detection Capabilities</h2> <p><strong>WATCH ON-DEMAND</strong></p> <p>Watch this on-demand webinar featuring Scott Crawford, Research Director, Information Security, 451 Research. It wasn’t long ago that Wannacry hit, and organizations rushed to determine if they were impacted. When threatened, most security teams struggled to answer basic questions, such as:</p> <ul> <li>Are we under attack?</li> <li>Who’s attacking us?</li> <li>Have they been successful?</li> <li>How do we respond?</li> </ul> <p>Threat Intelligence provides analysts with insights into known malicious actors. Arming yourself with millions (even hundreds of millions) of indicators is just the beginning to defeating serious cyber threats. Discover how to take threat intelligence to the next level with advanced detection capabilities. Identify why it’s critical to analyze historical activity to detect threats targeting your organization today.</p> <h3>Figure out your detection strategy; watch it today.</h3>
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