
Detect LIVE March 21 – Introduction to Collection Planning: What Intelligence Do You Need?

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<h2>Learn What’s Required to Optimize Your Intel Collection Planning</h2> <p>To successfully create an intelligence-driven cybersecurity practice we must understand our intelligence needs, create an intelligence collection plan based on those needs, and acquire the resources needed to support a successful cyber intelligence team.</p> <p>In this presentation, AJ Nash, Sr. Director of Cyber Intelligence Strategy at Anomali, examines how to solve these challenges through stakeholder engagement, authoring intelligence requirements, and selecting intelligence packages that are most likely to provide meaningful results aligned to the requirements you adopt. Furthermore, he explores how to operationalize a unified collection capability and the metrics to look at to capture the value of your entire intelligence program.</p> <p>Key points of discussion include:</p> <ul> <li>The Intelligence Cycle</li> <li>Intelligence Requirements</li> <li>Categories of Intelligence</li> <li>Intelligence in Action</li> </ul> <p><strong>Watch the webinar to get a framework for your collection plan and get your intelligence team on the right track.</strong></p>