The Impact of XDR in the Modern SOC | ESG Research from Anomali
<h3>Modernize, Integrate, and Automate Your Detection and Response Capabilities with XDR</h3>
<p>Organizations see extended detection and response (XDR) as a potential path to helping them detect, identify, and understand complex attacks across the kill chain. </p>
<p>With more than 80% of these organizations actively making investments in threat detection and response, it appears that security teams are in distress. </p>
<p>Anomali commissioned the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to survey IT and cybersecurity professionals across multiple industry verticals to help determine how teams are prioritizing investment against attacks. </p>
<p>Key highlights from the study:</p>
<li>38% of cybersecurity professionals believe XDR can provide a centralized management hub for security operations</li>
<li>42% of cybersecurity professionals want an XDR solution that can simplify the visualization of complex attacks across the kill chain</li>
<li>Collecting and processing security data is a major challenge</li>
<li>Organizations see XDR as a path to increased security efficacy</li>
<h4>Get the eBook and master threat detection and response today!</h4>
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