White Paper

Leashing Cerberus: Anomali Threat Research

<h2>Android Banking Trojan, Cerberus is Filling the Void for Threat Actors Interested in Malware-as-a-Service</h2><p>This whitepaper analyzes Cerberus, an Android banking trojan that may have been active since at least 2017. The malware is for sale on a Russian hacking forum called xss[.]is where the actors behind its development are selling licenses for the service from $4,000 – $12,000. </p><p>Anomali Threat Research (ATR) in joint partnership with the information security function within a major European financial institution, have undertaken the analysis on Cerberus in an effort to complement the existing findings which have been presented by others in the community, and to further help defenders in understanding the threat and capability of this Android banking trojan.</p><p>The report includes information on:</p><ul><li>Malware-as-a-Service</li><li>A Cerberus and Anubis Comparison </li><li>Current Web Injections</li><li>IOCs</li><li>Analysis </li></ul><h3>Download the whitepaper for details on Cerberus and learn recommended guidelines for mobile device users. </h3>