White Paper

NotPetya: One Year Later

<p>This whitepaper examines the NotPetya cyber-attack that occurred in late June 2017. Almost immediately following the WannaCry cyberattack, the NotPetya malware affected countries and organizations around the globe that had strikingly similar repercussions and lessons to take away.</p><p>We analyzed how organizations implemented policy or procedural changes, if any, immediately following WannaCry as well as within the past year to improve their resilience to the ever-changing cyber threat landscape.</p><p>This whitepaper looks at NotPetya in detail by:</p><ul><li>Examining NotPetya </li><li>Outlining the technical analysis of the NotPetya malware</li><li>Assessing the consequences the attack had on affected organizations</li><li>Discussing the lessons organizations need to take away from this specific cyber incident</li></ul><p><strong>Get up to date on NotPetya, download the paper. </strong></p>