
Washington DC: Where is Cybersecurity Policy Headed?

President Joe Biden is taking the nation’s helm during one of the most challenging times in the modern history of the United States. We’re still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy is making a comeback but still teetering, and when it comes to cybersecurity — headwinds are blowing hard. This episode of the Anomali Detect Podcast features Beltway insider Sonny Sinha of Sinha Associates. With an inside view on the interworking of DC policy making, Sonny sheds light on what a new administration means to the cybersecurity industry.
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Detect podcast

Washington DC: Where is Cybersecurity Policy Headed?

President Joe Biden is taking the nation’s helm during one of the most challenging times in the modern history of the United States. We’re still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy is making a comeback but still teetering, and when it comes to cybersecurity — headwinds are blowing hard. This episode of the Anomali Detect Podcast features Beltway insider Sonny Sinha of Sinha Associates. With an inside view on the interworking of DC policy making, Sonny sheds light on what a new administration means to the cybersecurity industry.
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