Solution Partners

We are pleased to present the participating solution partners of Detect LIVE.

Flashpoint logo


Trusted by governments, commercial enterprises, and educational institutions worldwide, Flashpoint helps organizations protect their most critical assets, infrastructure, and stakeholders from security risks such as cyber threats, ransomware, fraud, physical threats, and more. Leading security practitioners—including physical and corporate security, cyber threat intelligence (CTI), vulnerability management, and vendor risk management teams—rely on the Flashpoint Intelligence Platform, comprising open source (OSINT) and closed intelligence, to proactively identify and mitigate risk and stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape.

Learn more at our website or follow us on Twitter.

PolySwarm NCT logo


PolySwarm is a first-of-its-kind cybersecurity marketplace that helps organizations combat emerging threats by amplifying and delivering actionable malware intelligence with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The company leverages blockchain technology to democratize malware intelligence, enlisting an extensive global network of expert malware researchers who receive rewards for their insights via Polyswarm’s native Nectar (NCT) token. With more comprehensive data, Polyswarm elevates and scores the most critical and timely intelligence, enabling organizations to reduce “noise” and empowering them to prioritize, focus, and scale their cybersecurity efforts.

Learn more at our website or follow us on Twitter.
