<p>Today is another exciting day at Anomali - we have <a href="https://www.rcrwireless.com/20180605/carriers/verizon-expands-cybersecurity-services-tag6" target="_blank">announced a major partnership with Verizon</a> for their new Threat Intelligence Platform Service. Verizon is in a unique position to enter the threat intelligence space given their cyber-situational awareness across their own massive IP backbone. Combining Verizon awareness with the Anomali Threat Platform allows organizations to operationalize intelligence and identify serious threats targeting their networks.</p><p>Bryan Sartin, Verizon Executive Director of Security Professional Services, summed it up: “Verizon operates one of the largest global IP networks, which gives us a wide view into a large portion of the world’s data traffic. When you cross reference this with intelligence gleaned from over a decade of analysis from our DBIR series, it provides a treasure trove of cyber-intelligence that is hard to beat. This new Threat Intelligence Platform Service places the ability to hunt out cyberthreats firmly in our customers’ hands.”</p><p>If you’re attending the <a href="https://www.gartner.com/en/conferences/na/security-risk-management" target="_blank">Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit</a> in Washington, D.C. please visit us at booth #220 to learn more - or feel free to Contact Us.</p>